Monday, March 29, 2010

Got Weather Data?

All of us in the business of agriculture know full well the phrase, "at the mercy of the elements"; aka weather

Especially farmers.

We also know full well that this major puzzle piece cannot be controlled and usually is the "one nail sticking up that hangs up your extension cord"; aka Murphy's Law.

And we all love Murphy until he becomes a "team member".

So what can we do to mitigate the risks associated with inclement weather?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Get in the Zone with Zone Maker

Now that we have covered the backbone of AgFleet, Data Manager, let's dig into the Zone Maker module. The very first question you should be asking in terms of the Zone Maker module is why? Why create zones in my fields? The answer: Economics. Take a look at the field below. By creating these management zones you are able to reduce input costs, labor costs, as well as increase your bottom line.