The Zone Maker module is designed to create infield management zones of data sets. In this particular instance, I used a processed aerial image taken from one of the providers we work with. But the Zone Maker module can create zones from almost any agricultural related data set; Veris, Lab Analysis, SSURGO, Yield, and As-Applied). The process is quick and relatively simple to get from Analysis to Application. The Zone Maker module was designed so you could utilize the system to create and analyze the management zones in a timely manner, make a decision, and get out to the field. A good example of this versatility is the ability to get the zone data into the hands of the individuals working in the field:
Further utilizing the field above, you will see that I created 4 management zones. Each zone will have the acre size and range of values in each zone. Notice the radio buttons available: Export File, Save Zones, and To PDA. Each of these tools are there to aid in getting your data to the field. Whether you need to immediately create a VRT application file, need to save these zones as a benchmark for use later, or need to get these zones in the hands of your scouts so their efforts are more targeted allowing for increased capacity or decrease costs, it only takes a few mouse clicks to get from A-Z.
So how simple is it to actually create zones once my fields are in the system you ask? We made a document that covers this question. It is here. Please feel free to download and share the document.
Maybe you have started exploring strip-till and want to band your fertilizers (P&K) together on one pass. You can create zones based on multiple variable as is shown below:
In the sample above I had the system analyze the P&K values in the field and created 4 management zones. You can now create an application file, head out to the field and variable rate apply P and/or K.
What about controllers? Can I use my existing GSII, AgLeader, Raven, or Trimble? Yes you certainly can. The AgFleet system is equipment agnostic; meaning we support most OEM's equipment. Here is a snapshot of the currently supported file formats/equipment:
At the start of this post you were asked to think about the "why?" Did you remember that question while you were reading the "how" and "what?"
It is important to think in these terms: It's similar to what tools you put into your toolbox to accomplish your goals. Now more than ever P&L (profit & loss) responsibility is getting more difficult. The input costs surely aren't going to decrease enough to have a major impact. I suspect they will continue to increase. The farmers that I know are getting squeezed, if you will, from both sides, the inputs and the markets. One approach to take to alleviate some of this bi-directional pressure is to reduce costs. As shown above, the Zone Maker module can assist you in doing just that.
So whether you are fully into Precision Agriculture or just beginning to dabble, the very first item (well second after creating field boundaries) to accomplish is creating management zones in your fields. And remember, you can't manage what you don't measure.
Thanks again for reading and please visit us at ZedX, Inc or AgFleet for more information then give us a ring at (814) 441-1867and mention this posting. We are currently providing free demo accounts. Most importantly, this does not require a CD/DVD as AgFleet is a fully web-based system.
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